
Ash class

Welcome to the Year 4 class page. 
Here you will find information and recent learning from Ash class. Please check back regularly to see what we have been up to. 
Maths Investigation day 2022
We worked together to solve number sentences that were around the Barton's Oasis area. We used our knowledge of numbers bonds to 10, number trios and  inverse to help us find the missing number. 
We enjoyed  learning outside in the sunshine. 
We investigated how to use wires and  batteries to light a light bulb.  We asked questions like 'What happens to the light bulb when you add more batteries?' and 'What happens to the light bulb when you add more light bulbs?'
Using Post-it planning we planned our own investigations to find the answers.
Sculptures in the local area
We followed the map around the Bersted Park Art Trail. We looked at the sculpture’s and discussed how each sculpture related to the local area.   
 Here are some of our sculptures we made, inspired by the local area.  We investigated how to join cardboard. We used joins such as 'fold', 'slot', 'flange', 'tab' and 'brace'.
Maths week 2022
Our theme this year is 'Money'.  We were surprised by the number of security features the Bank of England includes in the banknotes.  We practiced different methods for giving change and solved problems such as planning a party with a budget of £100.
Poppy Art 
We have been improving our skills with Oil Pastels. We have been learning skills such as blending, heavy and light pressure, stippling and cross hatch. 
We used these skills to make our Poppies. 
We celebrated Christingle  with Rev. Jo.  We were very careful with the candles ! 
Rev. Jo talked about spreading the message of hope. 
                                              Christmas Science 
Which material will keep Father Christmas's lunch cold for the longest?
First we predicted which material we thought would be the best. Then we planned our investigation using post-it planning. 
We found out that cotton wool  and cotton fabric kept our ice cube cold for the longest.
Science week 2023
We have had a very exciting and enjoyable few days !  Our focus has been the digestive system and we answered the questions:
  • What are the organs in the digestive system?
  • How does our digestive system work?
  • Do sugary drinks cause decay?
We have also been practicing our observation skills.
Improving our Growth Mindset
Today we challenged ourselves with a tricky Maths problem.  We found out from Jo Boaler (see link) why it is important to find learning difficult.  
Safer Internet day 2023
Refugee Dance- based on the book 'A story like the Wind'
Book week 2023
This years theme was Mythical Creatures. We read books and poems about dragons. We particularly enjoyed reading  'The Snow Dragon' by Vivian French.  Follow the link to listen to the story   
The story inspired us to paint and write about evil Fire dragons and peaceful Snow dragons. 
Educational Visit to Windsor castle 
As part of this terms topic about Henry VIII and his wives, we visited Windsor Castle. 
We found out about how Henry VIII got power and showed he had power.  We visited St Georges Chapel and the State Apartments. 
Quote 'the best school trip ever'  
Creative Arts Day 2023
Theme - Monet 
To start with we practiced our watercolor skills.  Next we studied the paintings of Monet and discussed how he painted water. We then used a wax resist technique to represent water lilies.
Active Maths day April 2024
The first day of the Summer term ... and we enjoyed the sunshine.  We started the day revising different types of triangles and their properties. In the afternoon we started our new topic of 'Short multiplication'.  We ,made arrays on the concrete and used chalk to partition into 10's and one's. 
The King's Coronation
We celebrated today by designing crowns at home. In school, we used our Working With Other Skills to design a make a new throne for the king.  We included a drinks machine and a sound system so the king could listen to his favourite music. 
Outdoor learning day  May 2023
Today we practiced our problem solving in Maths outdoors. We learnt from each other and realised that there was more than one way to solve a problem.
We went for a local walk and used our senses to describe. Also we collect flowers for art.
In Art, we investigated  Tatakizome, an ancient Japanese technique of hammering plants to create patterns on fabric.  We were really pleased with the results. 
Stem week 2023
The theme was 'Climate Change'.  

We have enjoyed exploring, designing and made strong frame and shell structures for our flood proof houses. We have tested the strength and absorbency of the materials we used to make our houses.  We have particular enjoyed being engineers!

We also had a workshop to design the strongest bridge. We used Jelly babies to test the bridges,

River trip 
We started our river topic of with a visit to a river.  We learnt new geography fieldwork skills. We found out the speed of the water flow and drew a fieldwork sketch of the river. We then walked down to Dell Quay to the Chichester Harbour Conservancy educational centre. Here, we made our own river in a sand tray and labelled all the key geographical features. We learnt so much  despite being very hot!
Year 4 Team 
Class teacher
Mrs Lewis 
Teaching Assistant
Mon and Friday   Mrs Williamson
Mon-Thursday   Mrs Hollomby
Essential information
  • PE is on Wednesday and Thursday  . Please come to school in your school PE Kit on these days.  Please no earrings. 
  • Remember a water bottle every day.  
  • Remember a coat - we will be using the local area and the school grounds regularly.
  • Logins for TTRockstars, Mymaths and Seesaw can be found on the inside of your child's yellow reading record.
How can you help at home?
Please support your child to read and  practice their times tables regularly.  15 mins a day is more effective than once a week.