
Accreditations and Awards

Team Bartons is a Good School!

I am thrilled to announce that following our Ofsted inspection on the 4th and 5th December 2019, Bartons has been recognised for its hard work and success and has been judged to be Good in all areas. This is testament to the on-going dedication and commitment of the staff and Governors who strive to give the children the best learning and life experiences in the primary years. Please read our Ofsted report which can be found in the Parents section on this website.

Bartons has been awarded Maths Numicon
Advocate School status for the second year

Three years ago, the school embarked on a Maths teaching and learning approach called Numicon. Over that time, the school has invested heavily in classroom resources and training for school staff.The programme uses manipulative equipment to make Maths understanding clearer and more meaningful. Our children and staff love Maths and, across the school, Maths has become a very popular subject.

In October 2019, Bartons was awarded for the second year running, the honour of being a Numicon Advocate school that recognises very good progress made in Maths and the quality teaching of the subject. It also allows us to help other schools in their journey by showing great examples of Maths teaching the Numicon way. What makes this award even more special is that we will be the only Numicon Advocate school in the whole of Sussex.
Please follow us on Twitter @MathsAtBartons to see exciting Maths taking place in school.

Working With Others Silver Accreditation

During the summer term of 2019, we found out that following an intense audit and scrutiny, Bartons had been awarded a Silver Accreditation award for their work in WWO. Working With Others is a collaborative learning approach that links to our school learning values and skills. It promotes collaboration and positive learning attitudes. The school is part of the West Sussex partnership schools group and this award reflects the hard work of staff and the excellent collaboration skills of the children. Well done everyone and thank you Mrs Morris for leading WWO so well.