Welcome back to school and Happy New Year!

Chestnut Class

Welcome to Chestnut Class page
We are really looking forward to an exciting year of learning. Please keep checking our class page for more information.
Summer 2 - Smugglers
Our topic this half-term is Smugglers. We will be exploring the book 'The Smugglers Daughter' and learning about our local area in History. 
Enrichment Week
During Enrichment Week this year we focused on children's lives during World War II. We compared lives of children during this time to our own. We also learnt about air raids, The Blitz, evacuation and D-Day.
We had lots of fun dressing up on D-Day day in 1940s clothing. We listened to a live band and practiced some of our 1940s dancing we had learnt with Mrs Barlow.
We thought about rationing and worked out how much of each different item our families would get. We used this knowledge to then make our own Rock Cakes. 
Summer 1 - Turrets and Towers
This half-term our topic is 'Turrets and Towers' where we will be learning about all things castle related including; parts of a castle, jobs in a castle, knights and soldiers and we will even be looking at castles in our own locality.
This half-term we have been building Drawbridges. We have worked in the STEM Hub. We have learnt lots of new skills. We used a hacksaw to saw different length dowel, we used a hand drill and a hot glue gun.
Arundel Castle
We had a fantastic day at Arundel Castle. We went on a tour of the keep, the Church, the Armory room, the banquet hall and the dungeons. We also acted out the Battle of Britain and all got to dress up.
Team Rubicon
We were very lucky to have a visit from Team Rubicon. We learnt how to stay safe whilst using a scooter. We were also shown how to ride a scooter properly and then we learnt some new tricks!
Active Maths Day
During Active Maths Day, we explored with Miss Rice directions and directional turns. We explored how to direct our partner using the language clockwise turn and anticlockwise turn.
Spring 2 - Frozen Kingdom
Our topic this half-term is 'Frozen Kingdom' where we will be learning about the North and South Pole. This will link to our work in Science about living things and their habitats. In Geography we will be looking at Oceans and Continents.  
Creative Arts Day 2024
For Creative Arts Day, each class based their artwork on the school values. Chestnut Class chose the school motto 'Dream, Believe, Achieve'.  We were using the art technique of water-coloured pencils and practiced four different techniques in our sketch books. Then we discussed how we could represent the motto through images and used the techniques we had learnt to create our image. 
Book Week 2024
During Book Week we were focusing on the author Peter Bently. We read his book 'Shark in the Dark' and then acted out different scenes from the book. 
We were so excited when Peter Bently visited our class. He shared his book 'Cats Ahoy!' and taught us how to write our own stories. 
We also took part in a live lesson with Nick Sharratt. He shared a book he had illustrated 'Super Silly Museum'. We enjoyed learning how to draw lots of characters and objects from his books. 
Spring 1 - Unsinkable
Our topic this half term is 'Unsinkable' where we will learn about the history of the Titanic and its tragic journey. We will be reading ‘Samson’s Titanic Journey’ in English to fully immerse ourselves into our topic. We will also visit the SeaCity Museum where we will take part in a workshop and explore different artefacts. 
Titanic Trip
We had lots of fun visiting the SeaCity Museum in Southampton. We learnt about the Titanic and got to see a few different artefacts. Some of us also got to dress up as different passengers and crew members who were on the Titanic. 
Science Week
During 'Science Week' we were focusing on materials and their uses and linked this to our new Titanic topic.
We explored the properties of materials and whether materials were manmade or natural. We sorted classroom objects into different materials and described their properties. 
We thought about which material would be the best insulator. We carried out an experiment to see which material would keep an ice cube cold. 
We also explored melting and tested the most effective way to melt a piece of chocolate.  
Finally, to end the week we explored using materials to create a lifejacket. We had lots of fun during the week and enjoyed sharing everything we had learnt at the Science Fair to the rest of the school.
Autumn 2 - Up in Smoke
Our topic this half term is 'Up in Smoke' where we will be learning about the Great Fire of London. 
Maths Week 2023
Chestnut Class have been exploring the time. We focused on o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. We created our own clocks to help us tell the time and explored looking at 5 minute intervals. 
Sports for Champions
We were very lucky to have a visit by professional footballer, Chloe Peplow. We completed lots of different sporting exercises with her.
Fire Service Visit
During our Fire Service visit we learnt what to do in case of an emergency and how to stay safe around dangerous appliances. We learnt lots of different rhymes to remember the information. We also got to explore the equipment on a fire engine and sat inside the fire truck.
Autumn 1 - Field to Fork
Our topic this half term is 'Field to Fork' where we will be focusing on food and where it comes from in Geography and what plants need to survive in Science.
Our main text in English is, 'Avocado Asks' by Momoko Abe.
Goodwood Farm Trip
We had a great visit to Goodwood Farm. We learnt about the different crops grown on the farm. We got to explore the dairy farm. Looking at how cows are milked and the variety of different dairy products that are made.
We were given some cream and had to shake this to turn into butter - we got to try our own butter on some crackers.
After lunch, we went on a forestry walk to learn about different trees and wildlife in the woods. 
Finally, we explored the importance of beehives, sheep and pigs on the farm. 
Maths Investigation Day
During Maths Investigation Day we explored which Numicon Shapes we were able to cover the Peg Board with. We made predictions as to which Shapes we thought we would be able to, and then shared our findings.
We also explored creating patterns and pictures using the Cuisenaire Rods. 
In the afternoon we played a game of 'Crack the Code'. We had to solve different number problems hiding in the outdoor area. We then had to check to see which letter each number was linked too. Finally, we had to unscramble the letters to work out the hidden code.
Afterwards we tried to create our own number codes for our friends.
Home Learning in Year 2
Home learning will be set weekly on Seesaw. Please find below a Home Learning Menu for the year. Please choose one of the tasks and complete it over the relevant half-term.