Welcome to the new school year everyone! We are looking forward to welcoming back our existing pupils and saying hello to our new children on Tuesday 3rd September.

Lime Class

Lime Class: Year 5
Here you will be able to find the Year 5 curriculum overview and our termly newsletters.
I have also included a list of 50 highly recommended books that the children should look to explore over the course of the year.

Lime Class: Key Information 


Our PE days are Wednesdays and Fridays and children are expected to take part in all PE lessons. They should come to school in the correct PE kit on these days. 

Water Bottles

Please make sure your child comes to school with a named water bottle. 


At Bartons, we believe that education is a life-long process.  A child’s education does not cease when they leave our school premises; learning at home is an essential part of good education.

Home Learning is any work or activity completed outside lesson time, either alone, with parents, or others. Home Learning makes an important contribution to progress at school. It is used to enhance and support the pupils’ learning within school and also to prepare them for secondary school.

For Lime Class, homework will be set via Seesaw on a Thursday and unless specified, will be due in the following Wednesday. Your child should upload their homework to Seesaw by this day. Additionally, Children are expected to read either to an adult at home or to themselves for at least 15 minutes a day. Their reading record should be signed every time they read so that we can keep track at school. If your child reads competently to themselves, ask them some questions about the book so that you can see if they have understood what they have read. Discussing different texts with your children will help them to develop their own love of reading.

It is also expected that every member of Lime Class carries out one of the following homework activities per half-term:

Trips in Year 5
Autumn 2 (November/December 2024) - Winchester Science Centre and Planetarium
- The expected cost of this trip (including coach travel, admission to the science centre, admission to the planetarium and a private workshop) is £25.
Spring 2 (March 2025) - Paultons Park
- The expected cost of this trip (including coach travel, admission to park and a private workshop) is £35.
Summer Term 2025
- Letters will be sent out regarding the residential trip in Year 6.