Welcome back to school and Happy New Year!

Lime Class

Lime Class: Year 5
Here you will be able to find our Year 5 curriculum overview and our termly newsletters.
I have also included the 50 books to read in Year 5 list and I strongly recommend that the children have a go at trying some of these titles.

Lime Class - Year Key information


Our PE days are Tuesdays and Fridays (Friday will be swimming this term) and children are expected to take part in all PE lessons. They should come to school in the correct PE kit on these days.  

Water Bottles

Please make sure your child comes to school with a named water bottle.


Homework will be set via Seesaw on a Thursday and unless specified, will be due in the following Wednesday. Your child should upload their homework to Seesaw by this day.

Additionally, Children are expected to read either to an adult at home or to themselves for at least 15 minutes a day. Their reading record should be signed every time they read so that we can keep track at school. If your child reads competently to themselves, ask them some questions about the book so that you can see if they have understood what they have read. Discussing different texts with your children will help them to develop their own love of reading.

Welcome to Year 5!
It has been brilliant welcoming the lovely Year 5 class back after the summer holidays. The children are full of enthusiasm for the year ahead and are very keen to get started with some of our fantastic topics (particularly Ancient Egypt). We have got lots to look forward to across an exciting and challenging year!
Maths Investigation Day - September 2022

For Maths Investigation Day this year, Lime Class took part in a variety of different investigations. We focused on developing our problem solving skills both independently and working as part of a team.

As well as the different investigations that the children participated in, we also had lots of fun as a class when we learned how to play a Maths-based strategy game that originated in Ancient Egypt (which links to our current class topic). 

Below you can find some pictures of our class carrying out their activities from throughout the day.
Maths Week - 31st October 2022
We had lots of fun in Lime Class across Maths Week. Our class theme was time and we became experts in telling the time on both digital and analogue clocks. We even made our own analogue clocks to help us!
We really focused on solving worded problems to better develop our understanding of time as a concept. We also played some challenging games, including a successful round of loop cards.
It was great to see every member of Lime Class working hard and challenging themselves!
Science Day - November 2022
What a fantastic day! Lime Class were extremely excited to find out that we were having a day dedicated to Science. Everybody is really enjoying our new space topic and the class could not wait to get started with some more interesting and exciting learning. 
Before we explored the Solar System a little further, we took the opportunity to discuss the importance of Science and its impact across the world. We had some fantastic conversations about the range of scientific jobs that exist and the diverse range of people that carry them out. Lime Class were then tasked with researching a scientist involved in the field of Science that most interests them. From Mae Jemison (the first black female to travel into space) to Isaac Newton, we listened to some fantastic and insightful presentations. 
We then discussed the different phases of the Moon and the forces involved in space travel. We had some fun creating our own straw rockets, replacing the thrust from an engine with our own breath. The results were fantastic!
Winchester Science Centre and Planetarium Trip - 29th November 2022
Lime Class had an extremely fun time on our trip to Winchester. We took part in a plethora of different activities throughout the day and learned lots of new information about our current 'Space' topic, as well as some other fascinating areas of Science.
Our day began with the chance to explore the space exhibits. Everybody was given the opportunity to become an astronaut and we found out lots of interesting information about the planets in our Solar System, gravity, light in space and lots more.
We were then fortunate enough to spend some time in the other Science exhibits. Lime Class had the opportunity to learn sign language, build earthquake-resistant structures and discover lots of new information about sound.
Lime Class then participated in an extremely informative workshop, where we were given the opportunity to conduct some of our own Science experiments. We looked at both light and heat with a specific focus on space and space travel.
Our day concluded with a show at the planetarium. This was a truly breathtaking experience for all of us and it inspired lots of fantastic scientific questioning. WHAT A FANTASTIC DAY! 
Science Week - 3rd January 2023
We were lucky enough to spend our first week back after the Christmas Holidays getting stuck into some Science. As a class, we spent the week exploring forces and carrying out lots of investigations related to this particular area of Science. 
We explored gravity and had some fantastic discussions about this force on planet Earth and beyond (thanks to our fantastic knowledge and understanding of Space). We also explored friction, air resistance and water resistance! Some of the experiments that we carried out can be seen down below.
We were also lucky enough to carry out some Science-related activities with members of different classes from across the school. It was great to see everybody working so well together - GO TEAM BARTONS!
Growth Mindset Afternoon - 2nd February 2023
When students have a growth mindset, they take on challenges and learn from them, therefore increasing their abilities and achievements.
We dedicated an afternoon to carrying out some growth mindset activities and challenges. It was great to see everybody in Lime Class showing lots of determination!
Book Week 2023
For Book Week this year, Lime Class and Cedar class joined forces to explore David Almond's famous children's novel Skellig. In Lime Class, we worked together to make predictions, explore the text in detail and make connections to other novels and texts that we have read before. 
We also had lots of fun with some cross-curricular lessons, with Year 5 and Year 6 swapping teachers for part of the day.  We created some beautiful Skellig-themed maps in Geography and worked in groups to carry out some Computing on the iPads. The fun in different classrooms did not end there... We were also fortunate enough to spend some time reading together with the children in Year 1. It was great to see the children in Lime Class being fantastic role models!
A huge congratulations must also go out to all of the children in Lime Class and their adults at home for the fantastic effort that went into making the headwear/masks for our parade on the final afternoon of Book Week. As you can see below, the Skellig-themed items look incredible!
Creative Arts Day - March 2023
Our theme for Creative Arts Day in Lime Class was 1930s Art Deco. We initially took the time to familiarise ourselves with Art Deco and its main characteristics. We explored different art pieces, architecture and products that have been influenced by this famous style.
Overall, the children in Lime Class decided that they enjoyed the Art Deco style because of the bold geometric shapes that are typically at the centre of the designs. The class then used their new-found knowledge, along with their existing understanding of geometric shapes, to design their own stained glass windows in this style.
Some of the fantastic results can be seen below:
Paultons Park Trip - 27th March 2023
We are so lucky in Lime Class because we get to go on some fantastic trips throughout the course of the year. Our latest was a trip to Paultons Park! 
We have been learning about forces in Science and we were lucky enough to participate in a workshop all about forces and rollercoasters when we first arrived. We got the chance to become engineers by designing some different rollercoasters and testing them out.
After that, it was only right that we tested some real rollercoasters too! We had the chance to go on some exhilarating rides and experience all of the forces that we have been learning about in school.
We had the best day and the children did a fantastic job of representing Bartons while we were outside of school. Here are a few of the pictures from our day:
Active Maths Day - April 2023
Our first day back after the Easter holidays was Active Maths Day. Lime Class carried out lots of exciting Maths activities both inside and outside of the classroom.
As a class, we had a particular focus on fractions, decimals and percentages. It was great to see everyone getting stuck into the different games and challenges and persevering when we were really being challenged.
We participated in a number of different activities: hot potato (whilst adding decimals), a relay race (whilst ordering decimals) and musical pairs (matching decimals to the equivalent fraction or percentage). Lime Class displayed some brilliant Maths skills, knowledge and thinking to complete our tasks.
Outdoor Learning Day - May 2023
We were very lucky that the weather was fantastic for Outdoor Learning Day this year. It meant that we took every opportunity we could to get outside and enjoy our learning in a different environment.
We took our learning outside in English where we sketched some of the beautiful outdoor areas available to us at Bartons. We then used these sketches as the basis for some brilliant setting descriptions where Lime Class were able to show off lots of the figurative techniques that we have been practicing this half term (e.g. similes, metaphors, personification). 
We carried out a times tables warm-up to get us ready for our challenging Maths lesson where we were multiplying fractions.
In the afternoon, the children of Lime Class carried out their own mini-Greek-Olympics. The children participated in a sprinting race, shotput, (thumb) wrestling and our own take on chariot racing. Those who were not taking part in a particular event took up the role of reporter and we used these notes to help us write some amazing non-chronological reports in our English lessons for the rest of the week.
We ended the day with some relaxing reading in Bartons Beach Outside Oasis. What a lovely day!
STEM Week - June 2023

In Lime Class this week, we have been building bug hotels to help protect the insects (particularly bees) that pollinate much of the food that we eat. Around ¾ of our crops depend on pollinators to some extent and the impacts of climate change will mean that the job that these insects do will become even more important in the future.


We have worked in small groups to design, construct and evaluate our bug hotels; the class have done a fantastic job and the results are brilliant (as you can see below). Well done to everybody in Lime Class!


We were also lucky enough to work with the children in Year 3 and Year 4 to carry out some other investigations related to climate change and the children in Lime Class were fantastic role models during these sessions.