A Midsummer Night's Dream
After the success of last year's performances, we set the children a real challenge by taking on a Shakespeare play. We knew this would take a lot of work from the children, but wow, what a brilliant show it was. As always Year 4, 5 and 6 worked incredibly hard to produce an entertaining and humorous show that was loved by everyone who came to see it.
Mrs Powell delivered this same production with her own Year 6 class many years ago and therefore this show holds a special place in her heart. After the last performance, she stated that the children did so incredibly well, she was taken right back to her own class' production.
The children did an exceptional job of learning their many complex lines, as well as all of the lyrics to all the songs. The children's singing was beautiful and a huge congratulations has to be given to all of the children that performed a solo.
Every year these shows get better and better, we can't wait to see what the children can do next year.