
Hazel Class

                      Welcome to Hazel Class 2023
We have made a great start to the year, enjoying a variety of Working With Others activities. It has been lovely getting to know the new members in our class and welcoming them to Bartons. 
We have been outside to complete some challenges and worked in teams and pairs. These have involved using our WWO skills and reminding ourselves of our school values. 
We are looking forward to beginning our new topics and exciting learning this year.
Hazel Class P.E. lessons will be on Mondays and Thursdays this year. 
Please ensure earrings are removed on these days and long hair is tied up. 
Thank you
Dates for you diary and approximate cost based on last year: 
Autumn term: Visit to Butser Ancient Farm  17th October. £26
Spring term: Visit to Fishbourne Roman Palace (date to be confirmed). £15.
Summer term: Visit to West Dean Gardens  (date to be confirmed). £17
Details for all school visits will be available on Parent Pay when finalised. 
Year 3 information regarding homework.
Please choose at least one activity/ task from the selection in each half term as we cover the topics in class. 
Our Day at Butser Farm 
We spent a brilliant day at Butser Farm in Hampshire just before half term, learning about the Stone Age , Bronze Age and Iron Age. 
During the day we carved chalk, made jewellery and had a tour of the houses from history. We even visited an Iron Age toilet ! 
While we were there, the Duke of Gloucester was also visiting and he came to chat with us. We talked about the archaeology we were doing at the time. 
It was such a fun  and interesting day, which gave us lots to discuss and remember when we got back to school. 
               Hazel Class worked on fractions during Maths week. 
We explored fractions in a variety of ways as you can see from the photos. 
We explored vocabulary related to time and then worked out fractions linked to time and the calendar. 
During the week we thought about finding unit fractions and how we could use these calculation to work out other fractions of an amount. We will build on all of this work later in the year. 
                                           Science Week in Hazel Class 
This week we have looked at what happens when a volcano erupts. We have found out the names of the parts of a volcano and tested materials which act like magma and lava. 
We have also explored how magnets behave. Through investigation and dance we have used the words repel, attract and poles to develop our thinking and knowledge. 
During Science afternoon, each group tried a different activity and reported back to the class. We all had great fun!
Here are a few photos of our week. 
            Fishbourne Roman Palace, Chichester
Our visit to Fishbourne was really interesting. 
We looked around the museum at all of the artefacts, saw some of the old mosaics and played a game where we had to spot different features in them. 
In the gardens, we looked for the different plants Roman people would have used in cooking and for other purposes. 
We took part in workshops which explored some aspects of Roman life. 
Book Week 2024
In Hazel Class we studied The Shark in the Dark by Peter Bently. We looked at the language features he had used such as rhyme, alliteration and repeated phrases. 
We re-wrote the story in our own words and made an amazing collage of cartoon fish in the shape of a whale!
Creative Arts Day in Hazel Class 
We were given tissue paper to work with and we were allocated the value of creativity. 
The skills we worked on throughout our day were:  Being Imaginative, Experimenting, Discovering, Taking Risks, Questioning, Inspiration and being yourself. 
Our various activities enabled us to explore, question and discover what happens when we overlap layers of coloured tissue. Our final small square pieces came from ideas we had built up in our sketch books over the day. These expressed what creativity means to us. 
                      Hazel Class at the Big Sing
We had an amazing day at The Regis School performing our songs and hearing all the other schools sing. 
We heard rock bands, did mexican waves and enjoyed being a part of the whole concert. 
                                              Active Maths Day 2024
Hazel Class found out what the perimeter of a shape was.
We spent the day measuring and making 2d shapes to work out the perimeter. We had to decide if mm, cm or m was the most appropriate unit of measurement to use for each object or space measured. 
The playground and netball court were the biggest spaces we measured and we did these in footsteps. 
                D-Day 80 Year Enrichment Week 2024
In Hazel Class, we spent the week learning about what life was like as a child during World War 2. 
We played some games outside that children might have played in the 1940s and 1950s, such as marbles and skipping with a rope. 
We looked at many artefacts from the time and tried to guess what they were used for. 
We heard many stories from our own families about what our relatives did during the war. These were really powerful and helped us to appreciate the variety of things people had to do and how their lives were affected. 
We loved dressing up and writing letters as our characters. Some of us wrote as evacuees back to our parents, some as soldiers writing home. The drama we did also helped us to see the different points of view of different groups of people. 
Sports Day 2024
Hazel Class all participated in Sports Day with great team spirit and enthusiasm. 
Everyone supported both their house and each other as they ran, jumped, sprinted, stepped and balanced! 
Well done Hazel Class