Creative Arts Day 2022
This Year we were so excited to have creative arts day back in school! We managed a slightly more online creative arts day last year which the children worked so hard on, but there is nothing better than being face to face and mucking in with lots of arty activities! This year the task was to create some exciting, unique pieces of art to add into our NEW outdoor learning area that is in the process of being built.
Reception Year 1 and Year 2: All worked on some beautiful clay imprint art using leaves and flowers from the outside areas. These came out so beautifully and will be painted later this term.
Years 3 and 4: Worked together to create some beautiful willow sculptures of flowers and insects. Tyres and upcycled items were painted and filled with soil and plants to create our very own fairy garden.
Years 5 and 6: Using incredible patience and DT skills, created outdoor games such as snakes and ladders, tic tac toe and Snap! Using wood and logs as the boards and pieces.
Each child painted a stone to add to the fairy garden and in time will be added to make a path leading into the outdoor area. The children had a fantastic, messy and exciting day. WWO skills were bursting out of every classroom. The Teachers loved it, and it was so nice to come together to create some beautiful pieces of art to brighten our school up even more.
Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
Creative arts day 2022
Year 3 and 4
Creative arts day 2022
Year 5 and 6
Creative Arts Day
2019 -
Creative arts day this year focused on the theme of Faces.
Each workshop was inspired by a different artist, material or idea and made use of various techniques and skills to create pictures and models. The children were really proud of their creations and the adults enjoyed working with different groups of children.
At the end of the day we shared our work in a special assembly and celebrated what we had achieved in such a short space of time.
A number of workshops were set up to explore creating faces in different ways.
work in progress...
Using tools with our clay helped us to show texture.
Masks made from cardboard were fun to make.
Batik inspired by African art was used in these pieces.
Painting, collage and ICT skills all produced some impressive pieces.
Picasso was our inspiration in this workshop. We used collage to create these masterpieces.
Using only egg boxes, we made faces which reminded us of Easter Island.
Children used wire and pipe cleaners to create their own pictures of faces.
The theme for Creative Arts Day this year was Faces.