
Enterprise Week - Year 6

Make £5 Grow
Every June, Year 6 take part in Enterprise Week - a special week where they become business owners and try to 'make £5 grow'. 
The aim of the week is to develop the children's financial and economic understanding. They work in groups to plan, design and create their own business. The children take full control of the week and the success of the businesses comes from their hard work and determination throughout the week. 
In addition to developing their understanding of money, they also apply all of their Team Bartons skills and values to the week. They have to use fantastic teamwork skills in order to get the most out of their business. This in turn, also allows them to practice effective communication before they head off to secondary school.
The money raised from Enterprise Week is then used to pay for the children's special end of Year 6 celebration treat days.  
In 2023, Year 6 set the Bartons record for Enterprise Week - raising over £1000 to pay for their pizza and water fight afternoon as well as their day trip to Out of Bounds. 
The children wrote a special newsletter when we got back, which you can find below.