
Elm Class

Welcome to our Reception Class page
We are really looking forward to the exciting year of learning and exploring ahead. Please keep checking out class page where you will find lots of information and examples of our learning. 
Summer 2
This half term our topic is 'Ocean Explorers'. We will be learning about sea creatures, beaches and  pirates. We are very excited for our final fun-filled topic in Elm Class.
Our focus during STEM week was vehicles. We worked in mixed groups with Beech and Chestnut Class during the week. 
We took part in a Lego workshop. We made different vehicles from the past, present and future. We had a lot of fun experimenting with different ideas.
We also had a boat workshop, where we were challenged to create build a boat that moved on the water. We created a circuit to power the propeller. All of our floated and travelled forwards!
We explored using different materials to create a maze for the HexBugs. It was very tricky to ensure the HexBugs did not escape.
Summer 1
Our topic this half term is 'All Creatures Great and Small'. We will be learning about farm animals and minibeasts. We are very excited to be visiting Staunton Farm. 
Outdoor Learning Day
We began our day by exploring capital letters in our outdoor area. We had to find a partner who had the matching capital/lowercase letter. Then we put ourselves into alphabetical order. After that, we practiced writing some capital letters outside before practicing them in our books. 
We also went on our own mini-beast hunt around the school. We found lots of different bugs and then added them into our mini-beast hotel.
Staunton Farm 
We had lots of fun on our visit to Staunton Farm. When we arrived we went on a mini-beast hunt. We were blindfolded and went on a sensory trail to get to the woodland area. We found lots of different bugs and explored how we could categorise them. 
After our mini-beast hunt, we got to explore the farm and feed lots of the animals. 
We started the half term with 'Active Maths Day'. We were focusing on our addition and subtraction skills through lots of exciting maths games.
We began by going on a hunt around the outside area to find different number sentences. We worked with a partner to try and solve them. We were using our detective skills to check whether the sum was addition or subtraction.
We also practiced our number bonds to 10. We found someone who was the missing number bond and then shared our number sentence with the class.
Spring 2
Our topic this half term is 'Once Upon a Time' and we will be focusing on lots of different traditional tales. We will also be looking at how some authors have adapted a classic a traditional tale to make an alternative story.
Book Week 2023
For Book Week this year we  focused on the book 'There's No Dragon in This Story'. We had lots of fun creating our own puppets are re-telling a story. We explored the language used within the book and used adjectives to describe the characters in the story. 
Creative Arts Day
This year we focused on Damien Hirst 'The  Complete Spot Paintings'. We had a go at creating our own spot artwork using paints, pencils and different resources.
We enjoyed reading 'Mr Wolf's Pancakes' and then made our own pancakes. We weighed out the different ingredients and mixed them all together. They were delicious! 
Spring 1
Our topic this half term is 'Reach for the Stars'. We will be learning about
We started the half term with Science Week. We were learning about how to keep ourselves healthy. We learnt about eating a balanced diet and created our own fruit kebabs. We explored the importance of washing our hands, exercising and getting a good nights sleep. 
Autumn 2
Our topic this half term is 'People Who Help Us'. We will be learning about lots of different job occupations and our local environment. 
In PE, we have learnt the 9 core fundamental gymnastic shapes. We have thought how to creatively perform these shapes on different apparatus. 
We also had a visit from a Midwife who spoke to us about caring for babies and their mums. We got to use some different equipment and practiced weighing the babies, checking their heart beat and changing them. 
We loved our visit from a local dentist. We learnt the best way to look after and brush our teeth. We had to sort foods into foods good for our teeth and foods bad for our teeth. The dentist kindly gave us a brand new toothbrush and a timer to make sure we are brushing our teeth for 2 minutes, twice a day.
We were also very lucky to have a visit from the Fire Service. They shared with us what to do in an event of a fire and how to safe around dangerous appliances. We learnt lots of different rhymes to remember all the important information. Miss Yardley also got to try on their uniform. She said it was very heavy!
Science Day
During Science Day we explored different materials. We learnt some new scientific vocabulary to describe materials and began to think about how we could group different materials. We also explored how some materials can change and observed an ice cube melting throughout the day.
Maths Week
During Maths Week we explored measuring the length of objects. We drew around ourselves and explored how many footprints long we were. We then compared the amount of footprints to the 10 Numicon Shapes. 
We also went onto exploring height. We ordered ourselves in height order to see who was the tallest in the class and who was the shortest. We are excited to see how much we grow throughout the year and see whether this changes by the end of Reception. 
Autumn 1
Our topic this half term is 'Marvellous Me'. During this term we will be focusing on discussing what makes us unique, identifying different parts of the body and exploring our senses. 
We loved visiting the new library and cannot wait for our weekly reading sessions in here. 
The children have really enjoyed getting to know their new class peers. They have loved exploring the indoor and outdoor learning environments. Here are a few pictures from their first few days at school.