Welcome back to school and Happy New Year!

Lime Class

Lime Class: Year 5
Here you will be able to find the Year 5 curriculum overview and our termly newsletters.
I have also included a list of 50 highly recommended books that the children should look to explore over the course of the year.

Lime Class: Key Information 


Our PE days are Tuesdays and Fridays and children are expected to take part in all PE lessons. They should come to school in the correct PE kit on these days. 

Water Bottles

Please make sure your child comes to school with a named water bottle. 


At Bartons, we believe that education is a life-long process.  A child’s education does not cease when they leave our school premises; learning at home is an essential part of good education.

Home Learning is any work or activity completed outside lesson time, either alone, with parents, or others. Home Learning makes an important contribution to progress at school. It is used to enhance and support the pupils’ learning within school and also to prepare them for secondary school.

For Lime Class, homework will be set via Seesaw on a Thursday and unless specified, will be due in the following Wednesday. Your child should upload their homework to Seesaw by this day. Additionally, Children are expected to read either to an adult at home or to themselves for at least 15 minutes a day. Their reading record should be signed every time they read so that we can keep track at school. If your child reads competently to themselves, ask them some questions about the book so that you can see if they have understood what they have read. Discussing different texts with your children will help them to develop their own love of reading.

It is also expected that every member of Lime Class carries out one of the following homework activities per half-term:

Trips in Year 5
Autumn 2 (November/December 2023) - Winchester Science Centre and Planetarium
- The expected cost of this trip (including coach travel, admission to the science centre, admission to the planetarium and a private workshop) is £20.
Spring 2 (March 2024) - Paultons Park
- The expected cost of this trip (including coach travel, admission to park and a private workshop) is £30.
Summer Term 2024
- Letters will be sent out regarding the residential trip in Year 6.
Working With Others (WWO)
During our first week in Lime Class, we carried out a number of WWO activities. The skills required to carry out these activities equip the children with the necessary social skills to work together which enhances their well-being and ability to learn in the classroom. 
The children in Lime Class worked brilliantly together and managed to solve every problem that they faced!
Bartons Beach Outside Oasis
As a class, we are well aware of the importance of reading and all of the benefits that it has. It has been really lovely to take our reading outside of the classroom and make the most of the sunshine in the beautiful 'Bartons Beach Outside Oasis'.
Maths Investigation Day
Our concrete, pictorial, abstract (CPA) approach to Maths at Bartons has generated a real passion for the subject across the school. The children in Lime Class, for example, love problem solving and they were provided with plenty of opportunities to do this on Maths Investigation Day. Every member of the class contributed across the course of the day and we had lots of fun solving a variety of different problems.
Maths Week 2023
The theme for Maths Week 2023 was 'Maths in everyday life'. In Lime Class, we explored a different theme each day (shape, time, money and measures) before using all of these skills to complete our project on Friday. The children in Lime Class were tasked with sourcing the cheapest possible ingredients to produce a batch of delicious fairy cakes, as well as working in groups to carry out the baking process. Fortunately, the children's brilliant measuring and time keeping skills meant that the outcomes were indeed delicious!
Winchester Science Centre & Planetarium
We had the most amazing time on our trip to Winchester and the children in Lime Class represented Bartons brilliantly! We learned so much during our fascinating planetarium show and the engaging workshops, but we also had lots of time to independently explore the wonderful exhibits across the centre. What a way to start a new topic!
 Science Week 2024
Lime Class explored forces during Science Week and learned about a variety of different push and pull forces. We created parachutes to test air resistance, we carried out an investigation to test the impact of friction with ramps and toy cars, we had the opportunity to work with children from other classes and at the end of the week, we were able to show the rest of the Bartons children exactly what we had been up to during the Science Fair. What a great way to start 2024!
Book Week 2024
For Book Week this year, we were lucky enough to have a couple of amazing authors join us at Bartons. Years 4, 5 and 6 took part in a fascinating workshop with Ali Sparkes, who gave an insight into her life as an author and some top-tips for children aspiring to become authors in the future. The children in Lime Class wowed everybody with their original ideas and wonderful vocabulary. Meeting Ali Sparkes was a really rewarding experience and we had lots of fun exploring her newest novel, 100 Summers, throughout the entirety of Book Week.
Creative Arts Day 2024
For Creative Arts Day this year, each class was tasked with representing a school value through a specific artistic medium. The children in Lime Class used silhouettes to portray their own ‘Independence’ and some of the outcomes are truly fantastic, as you can see below:

Paultons Park

 In Year 5, we are lucky enough to go on several amazing trips and Paultons Park certainly lived up to everybody’s expectations! Upon arrival, we took part in a fascinating workshop where we discussed all of the forces involved with rollercoasters. The children did an amazing job at answering all of the questions and proved what brilliant young scientists they are. We then had lots of fun exploring the park and testing out all of the rollercoasters that Paultons Park has to offer. Have a look at some of the fun we had below:

Skateboarding Workshop

We recently took part in a skateboarding workshop, where many children were practising this skill for the very first time. Everybody showed great perseverance and had the most wonderful time out on the school playground whilst developing their skills. Maybe we will see a member of Lime Class representing Great Britain at the Olympics in the future!

Enrichment Week 2024 

For Enrichment Week this year, the children at Bartons explored WW2 and took part in a number of exciting activities.

In Lime Class, we discovered which countries were involved in the war and explored themes such as: rationing, evacuations, codebreakers and the Enigma Machine. We also carried out some research into our local area during the war and marked significant sights on our fantastic new OS Maps. At the end of the week, the children produced some beautiful artwork inspired by the feeling of ‘hope’ that was present at the end of WW2.

 On Thursday 6th June, it was the 80th anniversary of D-Day and we celebrated this by dressing up in WW2-themed costumes and dancing to some incredible live music performed by Mr Hodge and his wonderful band. The children in Lime Class enjoyed every second of the day and hopefully these memories will last a very long time!

Sports Morning 2024
Everybody in Lime Class did an amazing job at Sports Morning this year! There were some extremely tight and intense races, but everybody showed great sportsmanship and applauded the victors. In Year 5 and 6, a new long distance race was introduced so the children have really worked on improving their stamina and that was evident on the day. Phoenix came out as the overall winners of Sports Morning 2024, so well done to everybody in Phoenix and to everybody who took part in our inclusive morning of sporting events.  
A Midsummer Night's Dream - KS2 Production 2024
Every year we say that the summer production can't possibly get any better, yet every single year it does! The children in Years 4, 5 and 6 worked so hard to make our summer production the best one yet and they did not disappoint. The children worked tirelessly to learn their lines, with some having to memorise some very challenging Shakespearian language, as well as a host of new songs (which were luckily very catchy). We must also give a special mention to all of the soloists who performed beautifully in front of the huge crowds of lucky spectators that came to watch. Everybody in Lime Class is very excited to do it all again next year! 
DT in Lime Class - Bug Hotels
As part of our learning in Science and our 'Keen to Bee Green' topic, the children in Lime Class discovered just how important bees are to life on planet Earth. As pollinators, bees have a very important job to do, so we felt that we should build some bug hotels for them and any other insects that may want to seek shelter in our school grounds. We had lots of fun building our structures in the brilliant new STEM Hub, where we were able to use a range of tools and equipment to help us.